Monday, October 21, 2019

There is a break in the rainstorm and the sun is shining.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Today I made a really good cup of Earl Grey Tea. Truly phenomenal. They'll write songs about it one day, it was so amazing. I feel a little guilty drinking it. Should be given to a world leader or whatever celebrity du jour America has decided is our royalty.

Oh well.

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5,2015

January 1,2015:

I overcame my fear of cooking beans. Specifically taking dry beans and cooking them long enough in enough liquid to make them not only edible but delicious. I also made the most delicious pot of collard greens today.

January 2,2015

I stayed up a little later and knit ten more rows on my first hat in the 52 hats in 52 weeks challenge.  I also knit twenty rows in the scarf I am making as a gift.

January 3,2015
 I bought a tiny toy Chevy Impala and some amazing perfume. I spent the rest of the evening doing a bad impression of Dean Winchester. I finished the scarf.

January 4,2015
 I made J. laugh. I finished the hat.

January 5,2015
 I sat in the sun on the back porch and played in the sandbox with T. I watched Whose Line is it Anyway? videos on Youtube with J. I knit twenty more rows on another scarf that is meant as a gift.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Acceptable Teapots Taking Pilates aka

 I have no idea what to name this post.

One of my resolutions is to focus on the positive and less on the negative. I thought it might be an acceptable challenge to keep track of something positive that happens every day this year.

My neck is still in a bit of pain after the biopsy. I forgot to update yesterday. I don't know if I will attempt to do a daily posting or go for weekly. But it does seem if I want to keep up with the daily positives, I will need to keep a daily record of some sort. Might as well update daily.

January 1,2015:

I overcame my fear of cooking beans. Specifically taking dry beans and cooking them long enough in enough liquid to make them not only edible but delicious. I also made the most delicious pot of collard greens today.

January 2,2015

I stayed up a little later and knit ten more rows on my first hat in the 52 hats in 52 weeks challenge.  I also knit twenty rows in the scarf I am making as a gift.

Friday, December 26, 2014

New Year's Resolutions: Resolution One: 52 Hats in 52 Weeks

Less than a week until 2015. I have a few resolutions. I like resolutions. It might stem from my enjoyment of making lists, or the comfort that comes from the promise the new year holds for a fresh start. Whatever it is, I like making resolutions. Will I succeed at completing them all? I have no idea. I do know, I will at least try, and that should count for something.

My first resolution is to knit/crochet fifty-two hats over the course of the fifty-two weeks that 2015 holds. What am I going to do with fifty-two hats? Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence that I will actually succeed at knitting/crocheting fifty-two hats in 2015. Look at me, the resolution is barely out of my mouth and already I am playing it safe and doubting myself.

If I manage to make fifty-two hats, they will end up becoming gifts. Gifts for friends, gifts for family. Which is nice because that will give me a lot of free time during next year's holiday shopping season to do something else instead of trying to find the perfect present for everyone on my list.

I've added a few, almost fifty, hat patterns to my queue over at Ravelry. There is even a group dedicated to the pursuit of knitting/crocheting fifty-two hats over the course of fifty-two weeks. Stumbling upon said group inspired me to take up the challenge in 2015. And I plan to document my progress here, which will help with another resolution I have for 2015 that I will write about in a future entry.

I hope that if anything, this challenge will get me knitting and crocheting more. Take more risks, take on new challenges and learn new skills. I want to learn to knit socks. I want to learn double knitting, fair isle, colorwork, I want to make a sweater, I want to make a colorwork sweater. None of that will happen unless I keep making things. The more I knit, the more confident I will become in my skills. (I hope. At least that is what I have heard.)

Also, I hope this will put a dent in my yarn stash. I really want to scale it down.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

To dream, perchance to create a moderately interesting story.

I had a dream last night.

It was a world much like our own. Only the technology had advanced to the point of implants and replacements. Instead of Google glasses and Google contact lenses, straight up Johnny Mnenomic slash Shadowrun implantation tech. The computer is in your head, that sort of thing.

In this world, the majority are aware that at a certain date in the very near future, the entire world is going to be thrown back in time to the Edo period. We are aware of certain rules for this event.

One, once we are thrown back into this time period, there is a bubble of an opportunity for our technology to continue to work. Once everyone in your domicile has left said domicile at least once, your technology will stop working, all traces of it will disappear and everything will be replaced with Edo era items. The governments are using this to their advantage and setting up sections where one person has volunteered to man the building, no matter what, to make certain their nation can keep in touch with other nations. Various nations are also encouraging their citizens to do the same.

In this dream, when we are thrown back to the Edo period, Jonathan goes outside to see what is happening. When he turns around, our apartment is replaced with Edo style housing. When he steps into our apartment again, it is still the same apartment with the same technology that is still working. The internet still works. The lights, the water, the air conditioning, et cetera. I step out to inspect and see what is up. I can go back inside and the apartment is still the same. Jonathan and I both step out together. We turn around and notice Tesla toddling towards the open door. We race back to keep her from crossing the door frame.

Too late. Our tech is gone now that we all have crossed over. If one member remains inside, all our tech would still work. Now, when we go back inside, everything is replaced with Edo period items.

There is a downside. For those with implants it is a sacrifice needing to be made in order to not go insane. For whatever reason, while technology that is not implanted works fine, any replacements but particularly the cranial implants tend to malfunction.

Remember the internet during the late 90s? All those pop up advertisements and crazy viruses?  Something similar is happening to those with cranial implants.Imagine having your vision, your hearing flooded with a constant and very loud stream of pop up adds or having an audio book read over and over and maximum volume in your head.

In order for this to stop, everyone in the domicile must exit at least once.

There is a group in this dream that is desperately trying to convince a roommate to step outside. The roommate does not have any implants, too expensive for his salary. But he does enjoy technology. He doesn't quite understand the pain his cranial enhanced roommates are experiencing. He does know that once he steps out of their townhouse, there will be no more internet. No more video games. No more contact with loved ones via a Skype type of video phone.

Eventually the roommate who only has a cybernetic leg manages to drag him out. Once he is out, everything goes quite finally for his roommates. He is angry about the loss of tech and it will effect his decisions later on.

The rest of the dream involved flashing from one set of characters to another as they dealt with their decisions and life in this weird Edo period slash post modern technology filled world.

This was a really entertaining dream to have. I woke up wanting to watch more and really hoping there was a book to read. Then I realized it was a dream and there was probably no book series.

This another of those times when I should go ahead and write this.